Sunday, March 4, 2012

Imports, exports decline.(DOMINICAN REPUBLIC)

The Ministry of Hacienda says imports declined 30.3% from Jan-Nov. 2009, reports DR1 Daily News (Jan. 6, 2009):

Imports totaled US$15.86 billion. Imports fell 27.1%, free zone imports 5.3%, and petroleum imports 52.4%. The decline in imports represented an 18.9% drop in Customs revenues;

Center for Exports & Investments (CEI-RD) data show that exports for Jan.-Sept. 2009 fell 21.5%, reports Hoy (Jan. 6, 2009). Exports to the US, the leading market, fell 15.56%. The DR exported 54.13% of all its goods and services to the US. In 2008, the US received 50.33% of all exports. Dominican Exporters Association president Ricardo Koenig said exports were affected …

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