Sunday, February 19, 2012

What Can 'Volunteers' Achieve? Junior Leagues of California State Public Affairs Committee Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Legislative Advocacy on Women's and Children's Issues.

Members of the new California State Legislature can expect to hear from a formidable advocate with a 40-year history of fighting for women's and children's issues - the Junior Leagues of California State Public Affairs Committee ("SPAC"), which represents the more than 11,000 members of 16 Junior Leagues across California (see also Junior Leagues of California State Public Affairs Committee).

Founded in 1970, California SPAC is one of The Junior League's oldest and largest state public affairs committees, whose goals are to serve as the voice of the women and children in the communities they serve by introducing and supporting state legislation that improves the lives of women and children in the communities we serve. Other Junior League SPACs are in New Jersey, New York, Georgia, Florida, Michigan, Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio and Washington State, along with single-League advocacy groups in St. Louis and Denver. Some 95 individual Leagues with more than 52,000 members are involved these efforts across the country.

"SPACs and other League-sponsored public affairs groups represent some of the most effective advocacy efforts at the state level for women's and children's issues," said Delly Beekman, President of The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. (AJLI), and a former leader of New Jersey SPAC. "SPACs bring a strong non-partisan and non-commercial voice at the state level to important issues like women's health, childhood obesity, internet safety and human trafficking."

Keywords: Internet Safety, Junior Leagues of California State Public Affairs Committee, World Wide Web.

This article was prepared by Women's Health Weekly editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2011, Women's Health Weekly via

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