Wednesday, February 29, 2012

QLD:Cats, guinea pigs and pigs get Hendra test

AAP General News (Australia)
QLD:Cats, guinea pigs and pigs get Hendra test

Queensland horse owners who have a Hendra outbreak on their property will have to relinquish
any dogs, cats, guinea pigs and pigs for testing.

Biosecurity Queensland has updated its policy on sampling pets other than horses for
Hendra, in light of the case of DUSTY the Kelpie.

DUSTY from Mt Alford, southwest of Brisbane, was euthanased yesterday after testing
positive to the bat-borne virus.

His owners made the decision to have their dog put down before authorities forced the move.

Queensland's chief vet Dr RICK SYMONS says domesticated species that have had close
contact with a Hendra virus positive horse must now be sampled and tested.

AAP RTV gd/crh/sw


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