Today's Obituaries Arbogast, Mary L. Bare, Theda M. Barnett, IvaD. Boles, Jacqulyn Byrd, Sen. Robert C. Cavender, Wilbur Cummings,Basil Cunningham, Jerry V. Drake, Sarah L. Gadd, Jo A. Gregory,Thomas E. Harris, Roger L. Hemp, John M. Henthorn, Edward L. Kirk,Patricia L. Kyer, Gertrude L. Lynch, Dorine K. Marcum, Flem Jr.McCue, Kimberli J. Moore, Dorothy L. Nichols, Mabel M. Sargent, OmaM. Shilling, Harold Sizemore, Dora E. Taylor, Gloria M. White,Bishop Lesslie J. Workman, Margaret E.
Mary Lucille Arbogast
Mary Lucille Arbogast went home to be with the Lord June 8, 2010.
She was born April 6, 1920, in Deer Park, near Cass, and was adaughter of the late Nora and Alva Jackson. Lucille was preceded indeath by her husband, Argile Arbogast; brother, Keith Buckhanon; andsister, Freda Hollandsworth.
She is survived by two sons, Lloyd and Larry Arbogast; a brother,Nixon Jackson; two sisters, Joyce Stanley and Helen Wilfong; sixgrandchildren, Diana Trigg, Amy Blankenship, Kimberly Arbogast,Matthew Arbogast, Angela Lilly and Chris Arbogast; twostepgrandchildren, Carey Grey and Amy Adkins; 10 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.
Service will be 2 p.m. Friday, July 2, at Trinity Baptist Church,Cooktown. Burial will follow in Ruckman Cemetery.
The viewing will be two hours prior to the service at the church.
VanReenen Funeral Home, Marlinton, is in charge of arrangements.
Theda M. Bare
Theda M. Bare, 82, of Renick died June 29, 2010. Service will be2 p.m. Saturday, July 3, at Renick Church of God, Renick. Friendsmay call from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday at McCraw Funeral Home, Lewisburg.Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery, Auto.
Iva Dean Barnett
Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal.
Love leaves a memory that no one can steal.
Iva Dean Barnett, the second of nine siblings born to the lateArnold and Violet (Washington) Grant, entered into her glorifiedbody the 28th day of June 2010 with her loving family by her side,after a long and courageous battle of multiple illnesses.
Other than her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband,Robert Donald Barnett; two sons, Jerry Austin Barnett and DavidElijah Barnett; an infant daughter, Rose Sharon Barnett; and fivebrothers, Dale, Don, Darrell, Dawson and Denzil Grant.
She leaves behind to grieve her passing: her children, son,Ronald Lee (Linda) Barnett of Milton; and daughters, Mary Newsome,Brenda Cogar and Peggy (Harold) Jarvis of Winfield, Carolyn (Kevin)Gillispie of Fraziers Bottom, Joyce (Jennings) Sturgell of Kermit,Brenda Barnett of Cowan and Lori (Greg) Akers of Winfield. She isalso survived by 21 grandchildren, 34 great-grandchildren and fivegreat-great-grandchildren; three sisters, Kathaleen Erwin, Sue(Gary) Carroll of Hurricane and Bonnie (Gerald) Beaver of Culloden;brother, Denver Grant of Hurricane; one aunt, Valeria (Washington)Johnston of Huntington; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins andfriends.
The funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, July 2, atChapman Funeral Home, 3941 Teays Valley Road, Hurricane, with theRev. Doug Bragg officiating. Burial will follow in Grant Cemetery,Winfield.
Friends may call one hour prior to the service Friday at thefuneral home.
Visit www.chapmanfuneralhomes.com to share memories or to expresscondolences.
Jacqulyn Boles
Jacqulyn Boles, 78, of Point Pleasant died June 30, 2010. Servicewill be 1 p.m. Saturday, July 3, at Point of Faith Church, PointPleasant. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at WilcoxenFuneral Home, Point Pleasant. Burial will be in Kirkland MemorialGardens.
Sen. Robert C. Byrd
On Monday, June 28, 2010, Senator Robert C. Byrd, 92, of WestVirginia passed away.
He was the beloved husband of the late Erma O. Byrd; lovingfather of Mona Carol Fatemi and her husband, Mohammad and MarjorieEllen Moore and her husband, Jon; grandfather of Erik Byrd Fatemi,Mona Byrd Pearson, Darius James Fatemi, Mary Anne Clarkson, FredrikKurosh Fatemi and the late Jon Michael Moore; and great-grandfatherof Caroline Byrd Fatemi, Emma James Clarkson, Kathryn James Fatemi,Hannah Byrd Clarkson, Michael Yoo Fatemi, Anna Cristina HonoriaFatemi and James Matthew Fatemi.
The senator will lie in state in the Senate Chamber of the U.S.Capitol on Thursday, July 1, from 10:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. where thepublic is welcome to pay their respects. Senator Byrd will return tohis home state of West Virginia where he will be taken to the RobertC. Byrd Court House, then transferred to a horse drawn caisson andescorted to the State Capitol Building in Charleston, where thepublic will be received in the Lower Rotunda from 9 p.m. Thursdayuntil 9 a.m. Friday.
Memorial services in Charleston will follow at 11:30 a.m. in theState Capitol's North Plaza.
The Senator will then return to Washington, D.C., where funeralservices will be held at Memorial Baptist Church, 3455 N. GlebeRoad, Arlington, Va., on Tuesday, July 6, at 11 a.m. A privatefamily interment will follow in Columbia Gardens Cemetery.
The family requests that, in lieu of flowers, memorialcontributions be made to the Montcoal Mining Disaster Fund, c/o WestVirginia Council of Churches, 2207 Washington St. E., Charleston, WV25311, or the Humane Society, 2100 L St. NW, Washington, DC 20037.
Condolences may be sent to the family at www.barlowbonsall.com.
Barlow-Bonsall Funeral Home, Charleston, has been entrusted withthe arrangements.
Wilbur Cavender
Wilbur Cavender, 76, of Charleston died June 30, 2010. Cunningham-Parker-Johnson Funeral Home, Charleston, is in charge ofarrangements.
Basil "Junior" Cummings
Basil "Junior" Cummings, 65, of Sumerco passed away Tuesday, June29, 2010, at home after a long illness.
Family services were held Wednesday, June 30, in Orchard HillMemory Gardens, Yawkey.
Special thanks go to the hospice nursing team, Edie, Libby, Mary,Sally and Ronda, for their loving care.
Curry Funeral Home, Alum Creek, was in charge of arrangements.
Jerry V. Cunningham
Mr. Jerry V. Cunningham, 66, of Scott Depot passed away June 29,2010, at home.
Mr. Cunningham was born in Dunbar. He was retired from BoilMakers Union Local 667 and was the retired owner of Ben's RV Centerin Hurricane. Jerry was a member of Nitro Moose Lodge 565 and theBeni Kedem Temple in Charleston.
He was preceded in death by his parents, W.G. and InezCunningham; and brothers Kermit, George and Garland Cunningham.
He is survived by his children, Ben and Melinda Cunningham ofScott Depot, Dawn Morgan of Pliny and Rhonda Cunningham of ScottDepot; sister, Audrey McClanahan of Cross Lanes; brother, HaroldCunningham of Hurricane; four grandchildren, Jessica, Parker andAshlee Cunningham and Josh Morgan; and one great-grandson, HunterJacobs.
The family would like to say a special thank you to Evelyn Edwardfor the care given to Jerry.
A tribute to the life of Mr. Jerry V. Cunningham will be 11 a.m.Friday, July 2, at Gatens-Harding Funeral Home Chapel. Burial willfollow in Grandview Memorial Park, Dunbar.
The family will receive friends 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at thefuneral home.
Condolences may be sent to the family by visitingwww.hardingfamilygroup.com.
Gatens-Harding Funeral Home, 147 Main St., Poca, is serving theCunningham family.
Sarah L. Drake
Sarah L. Drake, 76, of Oak Hill died June 28, 2010. There will beno service. The body was donated to the Marshall University Schoolof Medicine. Tyree Funeral Home, Oak Hill, is in charge ofarrangements.
Jo A. Gadd
Jo A. Gadd, 75, of Alderson died June 25, 2010. Service will be 2p.m. Friday, July 2, at Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson. Friends maycall one hour prior to service. Inurnment will be in WallaceMemorial Mausoleum, Clintonville.
Thomas E. Gregory
Thomas E. Gregory, 56, of St. Albans went home to be with theLord on Friday, June 25, 2010, after a long illness.
Thomas was born January 28, 1954, in South Charleston to John F.Gregory Sr. and Cledis B. Gregory, who preceded him in death. He wasalso preceded in death by his grandparents, Bud Ephriam and MarthaOliver Gregory and James Thomas "J.T." and Nellie Belle Mitchell;and his brother, John Gregory Jr.
He leaves to cherish his memory: brothers, Joseph, Jackie andMark; nephews, Eric Knapper and Jason, Chris and Kevin Gregory;nieces, Kelly Jones and Sarah and Joanna Gregory; great-nephews,great-nieces, stepnephews and a stepniece.
Service will be held at noon, Saturday, July 3, at PrestonFuneral Home, Charleston, with the Rev. Robert Davis officiating.
Friends may call one hour prior to the service at the funeralhome.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Hubbard HospiceHouse.
Roger L. Harris
Roger L. Harris, 60, of Richwood died June 24, 2010. Memorialservice will be 2 p.m. Saturday, July 3, at the home of Roger & LolaHarris of Richwood. White Funeral Home, Summersville, is in chargeof arrangements.
John M. Hemp
John M. Hemp, 80, of Alderson died May 24, 2010. Gravesideservice will be 7 p.m. Friday, July 2, in Alderson Cemetery,Alderson. Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson, is in charge ofarrangements.
Edward L. Henthorn
Edward L. Henthorn, 50, of Charleston died June 17, 2010.Graveside service will be 2 p.m. Thursday, July 1, in Boone MemorialPark, Madison. Handley Funeral Home, Danville, is in charge ofarrangements.
Patricia L. Kirk
Patricia L. Kirk, 30, of Belle died June 29, 2010. Gravesideservice will be 2 p.m. Friday, July 2, in Marmet Cemetery, Marmet.Fidler & Frame Funeral Home, Belle, is in charge of arrangements.
Gertrude L. Kyer
Gertrude L. Kyer, 85, of Richwood died June 27, 2010. Memorialservice will be 2 p.m. Friday, July 2, at Simons-Coleman FuneralHome, Richwood.
Dorine Kay Lynch
Dorine Kay Lynch of Webster Springs died Sunday, June 27, 2010,at Webster County Memorial Hospital.
She was born May 25, 1947, in Buckhannon and was a daughter ofEunice Armstrong Jones of Dayton, Ohio, and the late William Miller.
Dorine was a beloved wife and mother. She was a member of SandRun Baptist Church, where she enjoyed singing in the choir. She wasa former member of several organizations including VFW LadiesAuxiliary and Red Hats and was also a 4-H leader. She was a lifelongresident of Webster Springs and touched many people's lives. Shewill be greatly missed.
She was preceded in death by her father, William Miller; onedaughter, Denise Lynch; two brothers, Allen Miller and StevenCrouch; and one sister, Carolyn Powers.
She is survived by her husband, Larry Lynch of Webster Springs;mother, Eunice Jones of Dayton, Ohio; and two sons, Loryn and wife,Karen Lynch, of Amherst, Va., and Landyn Lynch of Webster Springs.She is also survived by three grandchildren; two half brothers,Terry Allen Kiner of Columbus, Ohio, and Jimmy Couch of Dayton,Ohio; and two sisters, Evelyn "Cookie" Mullins of Oakland, Mich.,and Kathy Stewart of Dayton, Ohio.
Services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, July 1, at Sand RunBaptist Church, Bolair, with the Rev. Pat Greene, the Rev. RandallSmallwood and the Rev. Keith Williams officiating. She will be laidto rest in Miller Cemetery, Webster Springs.
Dodd & Reed Funeral Home, Webster Springs, is in charge ofarrangements.
Flem Marcum Jr.
Flem Marcum Jr., 72, of Breeden died June 28, 2010. Service willbe 1 p.m. Saturday, July 3, at House of Prayer, Renick. Friends maycall from 6 to 11:30 p.m. Friday at the church. Freeman FuneralHome, Chapmanville, is in charge of arrangements.
Kimberli J. McCue
Kimberli J. McCue, 48, of Summersville died June 29, 2010.Service will be 2 p.m. Friday, July 2, at Waters Funeral Chapel,Summersville. Friends may call two hours prior to service. Burialwill be in Walker Memorial Park, Summersville.
Dorothy L. Moore
Dorothy L. "Dottie" Moore, 90, of Charleston passed away Friday,June 25, 2010, at Hubbard Hospice House, Charleston.
She was born on August 25, 1919, and was the daughter of the lateCledwin Alvin Morgan and Mary Ismay Scott of Wales. Dottie had onebrother, William "Bill" Morgan.
In addition to her parents, Dottie was preceded in death by herfirst husband and the father of their two children, Reginald P.Mahoney; her daughter-in-law, Melissa Mahoney; son-in-law, WalterSlaughter; stepson-in-law Ralph Turley; and her husband of over 42years, Ronald Moore.
Dottie graduated from Follansbee High School, went to theUniversity of Iowa and graduated with a bachelor of arts in speechand English. She later earned a master of arts in English fromMarshall University. Dottie worked as a church secretary,kindergarten teacher, and high school teacher.
She was a member of Village Chapel Presbyterian Church, LadiesCircle Group, Grandparents Club and Wally Byam Air Stream Club.Dottie and Ron enjoyed traveling the country in their Airstream,playing bridge and supporting their church.
She is survived by son, Reginald M. Mahoney and his girlfriend,Kelly Roberts; and daughter, Marylin Slaughter, all of Virginia;stepdaughters, Roberta L. Turley of Charlotte, N.C., and Ann L.Donald and her husband, Peter, of Georgia; and stepson, Ronald H.Moore Jr. and his wife, Brenda, of Oak Hill. Dottie had twograndchildren, M. Shey Mahoney and his wife, Allison, and Kelsey B.Mahoney; eight stepgrandchildren and 17 stepgreat-grandchildren.
Funeral service will be held at 1 p.m., Friday, July 2, atVillage Chapel Presbyterian Church, 3818 Venable Ave., Kanawha City,with the Rev. Amy Parker officiating. Burial will follow inCunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans.
Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at Barlow-BonsallFuneral Home, Charleston.
In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Jesus FilmProject through Campus Crusade for Christ or a charity of yourchoice.
You may send your condolences to the family atwww.barlowbonsall.com.
Barlow-Bonsall Funeral Home has been entrusted with thearrangements.
Mabel M. Nichols
Mabel M. (McDaniel) Nichols, 90, died Tuesday, June 29, 2010, inDunbar Care and Rehab Center, formerly SunBridge Nursing Home.
Mabel was born in Gallagher to Opal (Tyler) and Frank McDaniel onDecember 23, 1919.
She was originally from Hughes Creek, where she was raised andspent most of her adult life.
Mabel was the second eldest of nine children, including, Ruby,Mabel, Macel, Gladys, Louise, Mary, Garnet, Chloe and Jerry.
She was preceded in death by her husband, William D. Nichols; andeldest son, Larry E. Nichols.
Mabel is survived by son, Alan D. Nichols of Dunbar; threegrandchildren, Lisa A. Nichols of Charlotte, N.C., Kristi B. Tysonof Charlotte, N.C., and Chris E. Nichols of Tacoma, Wash.; and threegreat-grandchildren.
Mabel's body will be cremated and later entombed in KanawhaValley Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Glasgow.
There will be no visitation or service.
Online condolences may be sent at www.haferfuneralhome.net.
Hafer Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.
Oma Myrtle Sargent
At 7:25 p.m. on June 29, 2010, Oma Myrtle Riffee Sargent heardthe words of her Lord, "Well done good and faithful servant - enterinto the joy of the Lord." Her former address was Dunbar and is nowat the feet of the Lord in heaven.
Born May 15, 1909, on Riffee Ridge in Putnam County, she was thefirst of three children born to Evard and Lenora Kessell Riffee. Herbrother, Winifred "Bud" Riffee; and sister, Wilma Riffee Boggess,preceded her in death.
After marrying Wilmer Ferrell Sargent on January 24, 1927, shespent most of her life living in Dunbar where most of her childrenwere raised.
Oma grew up under the influence of good Christian parents whoregularly attended Moss Chapel Methodist Church. After moving toDunbar and marrying Wilmer, they began attending the Church of Godin Dunbar. She remained a faithful member for the rest of her life.Serving the Lord and raising her children in a Christian home washer highest priority.
Surviving are her sons and daughters, Chester R. Sargent and hiswife, Dolores Skiles Sargent, of Dunbar, Helen C. Spencer and herhusband, Richard Spencer, of Dunbar, Kenneth L. Sargent and hiswife, Mary F. Harper Sargent, of Dunbar, Wanda M. Mynes of Dunbar,Wilda F. Young and her husband, Dr. Richard Young, of Anderson,Ind., Loretta J. Jividen and her husband, Rex Jividen, of Dunbar,Joyce E. Fizer and her husband, Dan Fizer, of Scott Depot and CarolElaine Merrifield of Dunbar; 12 grandchildren, Cliff Sargent,Chester "Chuck" (Linda) Sargent, John (Lisa) Sargent, David(Beverly) Spencer, Donald (Deborah) Spencer, Jennifer (Brian)Lester, Susan (John) Bennett, Jerry (Joy) Hill, Sam (Lori) Fizer,Danielle (John) Williams and Eric (Lynne) Merrifield;stepgranddaughter, Carrie Harris; 24 great-grandchildren, Jared,Brandon, Abagail, Joslyn, Geoffrey, Amanada, Morgan and Ali Sargent,Melanie Young, Kimberly Aurelio, Rebecca and R.J. Spencer, Kaitlynand Brian Lester II, Andrew and Leigh Anna Bennett, Tiffany Clark,Jacob and Adam Hill, David Fizer, Brooklyn and Drew Williams andChristian and Cody Merrifield; and two great-great-grandchildren,Mallorie Young and Peyton Aureli.
Preceding Oma in death were her parents, Evard and Lenora KessellRiffee; husband, Wilmer F. Sargent; son-in-law Sherman Mynes; great-grandson, Christian Lester; sister, Wilma Riffee Boggess; andbrother Winifred "Bud" Riffee.
The family would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to Dr.Leo Gibson, Dr. Boustany, Dr. Rodney Dean and, especially, the crewof nurses and aides from Thomas Memorial Home Health Department,Sharon Campbell and Barbara Scott for their love, care andcompassion they gave our mother during her illness, Eleana HealthMedical Supply for the caring service they provided to make ourmother comfortable and HospiceCare.
A celebration of Oma's life will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, July3, at the Dunbar First Church of God with Dr. Larry McCallister Sr.,the Rev. Glen Parsons and Dr. Gary Patton officiating. Burial willfollow in Tyler Mountain Memory Gardens.
Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday and one hour prior tothe service Saturday at the Dunbar First Church of God.
Arrangements are in the care of Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar.
Harold Shilling
Harold Shilling, 63, of St. Albans died June 10, 2010 after along illness. Memorial service will be held in his honor at 5 p.m.Thursday, July 1, at Huntington Street Community Church, St. Albans,with the Rev. Richard Mallory and the Rev. Mark Harris officiating.
Dora E. Sizemore
Dora E. Sizemore, 81, of Gap Mills died June 28, 2010. Gravesideservice will be 3 p.m. Friday, July 2, in Roselawn Memorial Gardens,Princeton. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at GrovesFuneral Home, Union.
Gloria Mary Taylor
Gloria Mary Mozell Kuhn Taylor, 83, of Campbells Creek passedaway Wednesday, June 30, 2010, at CAMC Memorial Hospital.
Gloria was born March 14, 1927, in Charleston and was a daughterof the late Jarrett Cecil and Ivy Kinser Kuhn. She was also precededin death by her husband, Charles Edward Taylor; and brothers,Jarrett, Edison, Ralph and Paul Kuhn.
She was a homemaker and attended Coal Fork United MethodistChurch, Campbells Creek.
Gloria is survived by her three loving sons and their wives,Jerry Edward and Sue Taylor of Campbells Creek, Eugene Lee andJoella Taylor of South Charleston and Dale Wayne and Debbie Taylorof Campbells Creek; her sisters, Mildred Moses of Ovid, New York,and Alice Gatens of Rochester, New York; six grandchildren and 12great-grandchildren.
A celebration of Gloria's life will be held at 3 p.m. Friday,July 2, at the West Virginia Memorial Mausoleum Chapel in TylerMountain Memory Gardens, Cross Lanes, with the Rev. Glen Allen Kuhnofficiating. The entombment will follow the service in themausoleum.
Her family and friends will gather for the visitation one hourprior to the service on Friday in the mausoleum chapel.
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations in honor ofGloria to Coal Fork United Methodist Church, 443 Campbells CreekDrive, Charleston, WV 25306.
The online guestbook for Mrs. Taylor may be accessed atwww.stevensandgrass.com.
Lesslie James White
Bishop Lesslie James White, better known as "Auger," 64, ofGordon passed from this life into a far better one, surrounded byfamily, on June 27, 2010, at CAMC Memorial Hospital, Charleston.
He was born on September 8, 1946, at Ducks Branch, Gordon. He wasthe second son of the late Robert White Sr. and Elsie Brown White.
Lesslie was an ordained bishop in the Church of God, a formerpastor at Wharton Church of God, and a member of Glen Fork Church ofGod, Wyoming County.
Lesslie was a benevolent, kind and honest man. He was devoted toGod, his family and friends, living the life of which he oftenspoke. His passion was riding his four-wheeler with his dog, Beulah,digging ginseng, enjoying the beauty of the mountains and being ableto explore them. He was a true mountain man.
Other than his parents, he was preceded in death by an infantsister, Wanda; and brothers, Robert White Jr. and Charlie White,both of Gordon.
He is survived by his wife, Shelia Hunter White; daughters,Priscilla White of Sissonville and Lesley Lynch and husband, Jimmy,of Elkview; stepdaughter, Melody Daniel and husband, Mark, ofHarper; seven grandchildren, Samantha, Jaimie and husband, Jonathan,Chazz, James Daniel, Chelsey, Isaiah and Mallory; one great-granddaughter, Jordyn; sisters, Betty Boggs of Uneeda, Ina GraceHunter, Ethel Coleman, Sue Looney, Carolyn Dillon and Diane White,all of Gordon, Lorene Hicks of Price Hill and Mary Halstead ofPeytona; and brothers, Gary of Gordon and Chester of Bob White.
Services will be 11 a.m. Friday, July 2, at Handley Funeral Home,Danville, with Deacon Johnie Baire officiating. Burial will followin Mid-Ferrell Cemetery, Bandytown.
Family will receive friends one hour prior to the service at thefuneral home.
You may express your condolences to the family atwww.handleyfh.com.
Margaret E. Workman
Margaret E. Workman, 85, of Charleston departed this life to bewith our Lord on June 24, 2010, in Thomas Memorial Hospital after ashort illness.
Born Dec. 27, 1924, in Charleston, Margaret was the youngest ofeight siblings born to the late George and Theresa Powell. Margaretmarried Theorplis Workman on Jan. 4, 1942, in Gray Court, S.C. Hepreceded her in death on Feb. 7, 1986.
She was a lifelong member and Mother of Allen Chapel AME Church.She sang in the choir and served on many auxiliaries of the churchduring her lifetime.
She is survived by her daughter, Allenia E. Prowell; and sons,Theorplis Jr. (Judith) and Vincent R., all of Charleston, and EdwardLee (Paula) of Baltimore, Md. Margaret had six grandchildren, eightgreat-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren; and a hostof nieces, nephews, cousins, relatives and friends.
The service will be held at noon Friday, July 2, at Allen ChapelAME Church with the Rev. Alton B. Dillard officiating.
Visitation will be one hour prior to the service at the church.
Preston Funeral Home, Charleston, is in charge of arrangements.
Funerals Today Cobb, Franklin E. 11 a.m., Wilcoxen Funeral Home,Point Pleasant. Cunningham, Bradford R. 2 p.m., Good ShepherdMortuary, South Charleston. Fitzwater, Oscar T. 2 p.m., Dodd-Payne-Hess Funeral Home, Fayetteville. Gadomski, Tina M. 1 p.m., Oak HillChurch of the Nazarene, Oak Hill. Haas, Vaun E. 11 a.m., KellerFuneral Home, Dunbar. Henthorn, Edward L. 2 p.m., Boone MemorialPark, Madison. Justice, Billie D. 11 a.m., Handley Funeral Home,Danville. Kincaid, Jerry L. 10:30 a.m., Tyree Funeral Home, MountHope. Lynch, Dorine K. 11 a.m., Sand Run Baptist Church, Bolair.Nibert, Vona L. 1 p.m., Deal Funeral Home, Point Pleasant. Nicely,Lonnie G. 10 a.m., End of the Trail Cemetery, Clintonville. Sayre,Donnie 2 p.m., Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Rainelle. Shilling,Harold 5 p.m., Huntington Street Community Church, St. Albans.Walker, Donald L. 5 p.m., Barlow-Bonsall Funeral Home, Charleston.