Wednesday, February 29, 2012

QLD:Cats, guinea pigs and pigs get Hendra test

AAP General News (Australia)
QLD:Cats, guinea pigs and pigs get Hendra test

Queensland horse owners who have a Hendra outbreak on their property will have to relinquish
any dogs, cats, guinea pigs and pigs for testing.

Biosecurity Queensland has updated its policy on sampling pets other than horses for
Hendra, in light of the case of DUSTY the Kelpie.

DUSTY from Mt Alford, southwest of Brisbane, was euthanased yesterday after testing
positive to the bat-borne virus.

His owners made the decision to have their dog put down before authorities forced the move.

Queensland's chief vet Dr RICK SYMONS says domesticated species that have had close
contact with a Hendra virus positive horse must now be sampled and tested.

AAP RTV gd/crh/sw


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

HighLights of the AAP National Wire at 14:30, April 52011

AAP General News (Australia)
HighLights of the AAP National Wire at 14:30, April 52011

CANBERRA - Former High Court judge Michael Kirby says he longs for the day when gay
marriage is legal but he and his partner Johan van Vloten probably wouldn't tie the knot.

(Gay Kirby )

CANBERRA - Defence Minister Stephen Smith should have praised rather than criticised
the navy for managing to keep 40-year-old landing ships in service as long as it did,
a defence lobby group says. (Amphibious )

CANBERRA - Defence company Lockheed Martin has escalated flight testing of the Joint
Strike Fighter (JSF). (FIGHTER )

CANBERRA - Independent MP Rob Oakeshott under pressure from local clubs over planned
poker machine reform. (Pokies to come)

SYDNEY - NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell is standing by his decision to strip Treasurer
Mike Baird of crucial powers and move them to the finance portfolio. (OFarrell)

SYDNEY - A gynaecologist has contradicted evidence from a patient who said his inappropriate
touching of her led to her swearing at him. (Doctor) Wrap to come

SYDNEY - Traffic congestion has eased on the Pacific Highway in northern NSW as police
escort trucks around the scene of a fiery and fatal accident. (Toll NSW 3rd Update (pics

SYDNEY - There are still more than 44,000 homeless people under the age of 25 in Australia
but the federal government says it's gone a long way towards tacking the problem. (Homeless)
Wrap to come

MELBOURNE - Two men with intellectual disabilities will take on the federal government
in court next week, hoping to win a pay rise for 20,000 disabled workers across Australia
(DISABLED to come).

MELBOURNE - A woman who killed her Melbourne drug dealer by stabbing him at least 40
times in a "frenzied attack" has been sentenced to 17 years' jail. (Epshtein) Wrap to

MELBOURNE - The Labor Party has denied it is responsible for a cost blowout for Victoria's
regional rail link. (Rail Vic)

MELBOURNE - Duck-shooting protesters say they're bringing the carnage of duck season
directly to Premier Ted Baillieu because he won't go to witness it first hand. (Ducks
Wrap) (pics to come))

MELBOURNE - Bullies could be sent to jail for up to 10 years under changes to stalking
laws to be introduced in the Victorian parliament. (Panlock)

MELBOURNE - Federal Court hearing continues for Andrew Bolt who is being accused of
racially discriminating against Aborigines through his newspaper articles, Federal Court.

(BOLT to come)

MAROOCHYDORE - A former prisoner has told an inquest into Daniel Morcombe's disappearance
that he believes one of the persons of interest in the case was responsible. (Morcombe)
Wrap to come

BRISBANE - Queensland's recovery has taken giant strides forward after a summer of
floods and Cyclone Yasi, Premier Anna Bligh says. (Recovery Bligh )

CANBERRA - The federal government says Legal Aid Queensland's self-help guide for the
impact of natural disasters would help consumers with their insurance claims. (INSURANCE

BRISBANE - Campbell Newman has spent his first full day as Queensland's Liberal National
Partyeader watching parliamentary proceedings from the opposition's office. (LNP) See
also Parly Qld, LNP Brent, LNP Mickel

LNP Wrap to come

BRISBANE - Queensland's police union has vowed to circumvent a planned ban on free
or discounted fast food for officers. (Police Qld Update)

BRISBANE - A man who was shot in the groin after allegedly charging at police while
he was armed with six knives has been charged with attempted murder. (Groin)

BRISBANE - More specialist police have been sent to Cairns to hunt for Declan Crouch
as his family marks his 14th birthday clinging to the hope he'll come home. (CROUCH) Wrap
to come))

BRISBANE - Queensland police will be banned from accepting free or discounted fast food
under new rules. (POLICE QLD - Wrap to come)

ADELAIDE - Opposition to South Australia's controversial marine parks plan is growing,
the Liberals say. (Marine)

HOBART - Burnt human remains have been found by a roadside in northern Tasmania. (Remains)

HOBART - Two men charged with bashing a man to death at a public housing flat north
of Hobart have been committed to stand trial for murder. (Gardner)

PERTH - Anti-social and criminal behaviour from public housing tenants has prompted
the West Australian government to make changes to its public housing policy. (Housing

BALLARAT - A faulty hot water heater became a flying projectile when an explosion blew
it 400 metres onto a neighbour's back porch a couple of streets away. (Heater)


SYDNEY - Ten's decision to move George Negus' current affairs program to the 6.30pm
timeslot seems to have paid off so far with the show's ratings increasing. (Ratings)

AAP was


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW:Oprah audience fly out of Sydney

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW:Oprah audience fly out of Sydney

OPRAH WINFREY'S handpicked American audience will fly out of Sydney today .. ending
their Ultimate Australian Adventure.

The 302 favoured fans will leave the harbour city bound for Los Angeles on Qantas planes
throughout the day.

While here .. they've criss-crossed the country .. from the Blue Mountains to Byron
Bay .. the Great Barrier Reef and Uluru .. before rejoining the talk show queen in Sydney
yesterday for the filming of two shows at the Opera House.

AAP RTV sbm/ad/jmt


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

FED:Rudd has had it tough: Albanese

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Rudd has had it tough: Albanese

SYDNEY, Aug 7 AAP - Kevin Rudd has been through tough times, but he is ready to support
Julie Gillard who deposed him as prime minister, says Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese.

Ms Gillard and Mr Rudd are meeting on Saturday to discuss his role in Labor's national
election campaign strategy.

The meeting comes six weeks after Ms Gillard challenged him for the top job and snatched
it without a Labor caucus vote.

Mr Rudd is still recovering from gall bladder surgery, but has publicly vowed to support
Labor's election campaign beyond his Brisbane electorate of Griffith.

"Kevin Rudd's been through a difficult time, particularly on the health front," Mr
Albanese told reporters on Saturday in Sydney.

"I'm sure it will be a productive meeting.

"Kevin Rudd has said that he is willing to support, each and every day, the re-election
of the Gillard-Labor government."

Mr Albanese ignored questions from the media about Labor trailing in the voter polls
and whether he was ready for a possible Labor return to opposition.

AAP vpm/it


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

FED: Indonesia 'inhumane' on Tamil asylum seeker death

AAP General News (Australia)
FED: Indonesia 'inhumane' on Tamil asylum seeker death

Indonesian authorities have been accused of acting without compassion following the
death of a Sri Lankan asylum seeker on Wednesday.

Friends have been barred from viewing GEORGE JACOB SAMUEL CHRISTIN's body in keeping
with Tamil customs .. while the body's repatriation has also been delayed without explanation.

One of almost 250 Tamils who have spent 11 weeks refusing to leave their boat moored
off the Indonesian coast .. the 29-year-old died of a suspected stomach infection after
allegedly being denied medical assistance.

A spokesman for the group says they fear the Indonesian government's rapidly losing
patience with them.

AAP RTV cj/tm


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Bad weather hampers search for swimmer at Lake Jindabyne

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Bad weather hampers search for swimmer at Lake Jindabyne

SYDNEY, Aug 16 AAP - Bad weather has hampered a search for a man who went missing while
swimming at Lake Jindabyne in the NSW Snowy Mountains.

The 40-year-old went for a swim between the mainland and Cub Island at 4pm (AEST) on
Saturday, a distance of 280 metres.

Witnesses said the man appeared to get into difficulties and disappeared from view.

Emergency services began their search for the swimmer at 5pm on Saturday, but had to
call it off at 7pm.

The search resumed on Sunday morning but had to be called off about lunchtime due to
strong winds and choppy waters.

The search will resume on Monday if weather permits.

AAP krc/cdh


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Vic: No warning for Marysville - resident

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: No warning for Marysville - resident

The effectiveness of Victoria's bushfire warning systems have again been questioned
.. during discussions ahead of the royal commission into this year's fatal fires.

The issue has emerged again at the devastated town of Marysville during today's community
consultation meeting.

Local resident JILL SANGUINETTI has told royal commissioner BERNARD TEAGUE the state
government's Department of Sustainability and Environment failed to issue any warning
that a fire was approaching her town.

Mrs SANGUINETTI says if vital information had been broadcast even 30 minutes before
the fire arrived .. many lives could have been saved.

Other residents have told the commissioner that there was a common perception that
Marysville couldn't burn.

The Black Saturday fires claimed 34 lives and destroyed every building in Marysville.

AAP RTV sjm/tdb/mh/sw/wf


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Confessed murderer asks for mother to be left alone

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Confessed murderer asks for mother to be left alone

SYDNEY, Dec 2 AAP - A Sydney man awaiting sentencing for the murder of his girlfriend
has pleaded with her supporters to leave his mother alone.

Paul James Wilkinson, a former Aboriginal liaison officer with NSW police, was facing
a sentencing hearing in the NSW Supreme Court on Tuesday.

The 33-year-old Picnic Point man has pleaded guilty to murdering 23-year-old student
nurse Kylie Labouchardiere in April 2004.

Her family reported her missing to Gosford police, but her body has never been found.

When Justice Peter Johnson returned to the courtroom after a brief adjournment, a woman
was talking to Wilkinson, who was in the dock.

Wilkinson's barrister told the judge there had been "some incident outside the court"

involving Wilkinson's mother and she wanted to tell her son about it.

Wilkinson stood up, saying he could understand people having problems with him.

"Don't take it out on my mother," he said.

"Don't take it out on anyone else in the family.

"If you want to have a problem, have it with me."

Sentencing was adjourned to December 15

AAP mss/hn/jl/bwl


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Qld: AFP "colluded" with Andrews - Haneef lawyer

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: AFP "colluded" with Andrews - Haneef lawyer

There are fresh calls this morning for the judicial inquiry into the case of former
terror suspect Dr MOHAMED HANEEF .. to be given coercive powers to force witnesses to
give evidence.

Hearings begin in Canberra tomorrow and lawyers representing the former Gold Coast
doctor say they're not confident inquiry head JOHN CLARKE QC will be given all the cooperation
he needs.

They say coercive powers may be needed to make sure former Immigration Minister KEVIN
ANDREWS and Australian Federal Police chief MICK KEELTY tell the inquiry everything they

Both men say they'll cooperate with the inquiry .. but lawyer ROD HODGSON says he remains

Dr HANEEF was held without charge for 12 days after being arrested at Brisbane International
Airport last July for his alleged links to a failed terror plot in the UK.

He was eventually charged with supporting terrorism but the charge collapsed within
days .. and he returned home to India.

His legal team then successfully appealed Mr ANDREWS' decision to cancel his visa on
character grounds .. paving the way for his return to work in Australia if he can find

Mr CLARKE will outline how he intends to conduct the inquiry at tomorrow's hearing
.. and is due to report back to the federal government by September 30.

He's expected to produce a public .. and a private report.

AAP RTV ews/bart


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

WA: Perth burns as temperatures soar

AAP General News (Australia)
WA: Perth burns as temperatures soar

Firebugs have exploited Perth's second hottest Christmas Day in almost 100 years ..

with officials saying they have been called to more than 120 incidents since yesterday.

There are now two bushfires in the city's north .. and a third large bushfire in Perth's
south has broken containment lines and is burning out of control.

Authorities are hunting the suspected arsonist or arsonists responsible for the fires
in Perth's northern suburbs early this morning at the Marangaroo golf course and at Warrick
Open Space Reserve.

Temperatures today reached close to 41 degrees today after yesterday hitting almost 36 degrees.

The heat is being accompanied by oven-like north-easterly winds .. making today the
second hottest Christmas Day on record since 1915 .. almost as hot as 1968's record of
42 degrees.

And .. tomorrow's expected to be extremely hot again .. with 41 degrees forecast ..

before a cooler change is expected on Thursday.

Fire officials say more than 150 firefighters have spent a large part of their Christmas
Day working on the three major blazes still burning in Perth's north and south.

AAP RTV pc/wz


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Vic: Two men stabbed by gatecrashers

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Two men stabbed by gatecrashers

Two young men are fighting for their lives after being stabbed by gatecrashers at a
party in Melbourne's south-east last night.

Police say four men who were denied entry to the party in Clyde North got into a fight
with a 20 and a 21 year-old .. and stabbed them.

The gatecrashers then fled the scene.

Partygoers rushed the wounded men to the Casey Hospital .. and they're now in the Alfred

AAP RTV jxt/sw/rt


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Vic: Sheep contaminator won't defend $500,000 lawsuit

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Sheep contaminator won't defend $500,000 lawsuit

By Kellee Nolan

MELBOURNE, April 2 AAP - An animal rights activist being sued for almost $500,000 has
chosen not to defend himself against the claim.

Ralph Hahnheuser, 42, a former Animal Liberation South Australia activist did not appear
in the Federal Court in Melbourne today to answer the civil claim lodged against him by
two sheep exporting companies.

The exporters, Rural Export and Trading (WA) and Samex Australia Meat Company lodged
the claim against Hahnheuser over an incident in November 2003, when he placed shredded
ham in sheep feed at feedlots in Portland, Victoria.

Hahnheuser has claimed he acted to make the sheep unacceptable to Muslim consumers
and prevent their live export to the Middle East.

About 70,000 sheep set for export were delayed at the Portland feedlot for two weeks
and another 1,800 were not exported at all as a result of the feed contamination.

The Geelong County Court acquitted Hahnheuser in May 2005 of a criminal charge of contaminating
feed to cause economic loss.

The exporters' lawyer Chris Northrop today told Justice Peter Gray the costs to his
clients as a result of the contamination were $400,000 for additional feeding, $9,000
for additional berthing, $2,500 for additional supervision and a loss on the 1,800 contaminated
sheep of $74,000.

Justice Peter Gray said he found the claimed loss on the 1,800 sheep "staggering".

"It's somewhat surprising that you could make such a loss on not selling 1,800 sheep," he said.

"Staggering in fact."

He said because there was no defence being mounted in court, he was required to scrutinise
the applicants' claims.

The exporters had also sought to sue Animal Liberation over the incident and reached
an out-of-court settlement with the organisation last Friday.

The case continues tomorrow.

AAP kn/dk/cjh/jlw


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Highlights of the AAP National Wire at 15:00, Dec 1

AAP General News (Australia)
Highlights of the AAP National Wire at 15:00, Dec 1

CANBERRA - Labor Leader Kim Beazley has thrown his leadership open to a vote on Monday
in a bold move to kill off speculation about his future. (Labor Ballot Lead (Pix available))

CANBERRA - Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard will announce their intention to contest next
week's Labor leadership vote at a press conference this afternoon. (Labor Rudd)

CANBERRA - Labor frontbencher Bob Sercombe has thrown his support behind Kevin Rudd
and Julia Gillard in Monday's leadership ballot. (Labor Frontbench. Also see Labor Beattie,
Labor Iemma, Labor Bracks, Labor Quick, Labor Howard, Labor Abbott and other sidebars)

MELBOURNE - Julia Gillard was once anointed a future Labor leader by Mark Latham, who
at the same time said Kim Beazley was not fit to be a cleaner in Parliament House. (Labor
Gillard Profile)

Labor Nightlead, Newscope Federal, Beazley Profile, Beazley Timeline, Rudd Profile
to come. Pics available.

SYDNEY/CANBERRA - Kovco inquiry report to be released. (Eds note: Release time at 1600 AEDT)

Kovco to come, N/L, reaction, sidebars ,etc to come.

SUVA - Fiji's military has extended its deadline to Monday for the government to meet
its demands or be toppled, Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase said. (Fiji Deadline. Also see
Fiji Vaile, Fiji Deranged, Fiji Meeting and other sidebars)

CAIRNS, Qld - Fiji's police commissioner believes he was the victim of a premeditated
campaign of military intimidation that forced him to flee the troubled Pacific nation.

(Fiji Hughes Lead (Pix available))

Possible N/L to come.

SYDNEY - Fiji has grown so accustomed to coups it now advertises them. (Fiji Coups
Backgrounder to come. Also see Fiji Tourism)

Fiji N/L, Fiji Meeting N/L to come.

CANBERRA - Defence officials say they have a video which will shed more light on the
fatal crash of the army Black Hawk helicopter on HMAS Kanimbla off Fiji. (Helicopter Video
to come)

HOBART - The army pilot killed in the Black Hawk helicopter crash off Fiji once described
the aircraft as "awesome to fly". (Helicopter Bingley. Also see Helicopter Porter and
Helicopter Vaile)

TOWNSVILLE, Qld - Wife of Black hawk helicopter crash victim Capt Mark Bingley news
conference (1500 AEDT). Helicopter Bingley Wife, pics to come.

Helicopter N/L to come.

SYDNEY - A mystery witness who raised allegations of drug dealing by some of the men
of interest in the death of Dianne Brimble has admitted that some of his evidence is based
on second hand information. (Brimble)

Brimble N/L to come

SYDNEY - A man has been found guilty of murdering a Sydney accountant who had acid
poured over his face at gun point. (Nimmo)

Nimmo N/L to come.

SYDNEY - The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is likely to give mortgage holders an
early Christmas present next week, when interest rates are expected to be kept on hold.

(Rates Survey. With factbox )

SYDNEY - Australia's baby boomers are showing no signs of slowing down, with those
on the job trail demonstrating a much stronger preference for full-time rather than part-time
roles. (Baby boomers)

MELBOURNE - Shares in Qantas Airways Ltd rose strongly today after the national carrier
upgraded its profit guidance for this year. (Qantas Lead)

Qantas N/L to come.

ADELAIDE - Stuart Clark's red-hot form with the ball earned him two wickets and placed
Australia in command over England on day one of the second Ashes Test at the Adelaide
toi come



2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Snyder Rini resigns as Solomons PM = 2

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Snyder Rini resigns as Solomons PM = 2

Honimae later said Rini was aware of the defections before he arrived at parliament house today.

"As someone very close to the government you tend to have news of this going around
in the corridors of parliament (concerning) the office of the prime minister," Mr Honimae
told Sky News.

"We knew of something that was brewing late yesterday evening and then this morning
I spoke to the prime minister just before he went up to parliament.

"He was telling me there was some hiccups.

"At that point I knew there was problems.

"As we saw them arrive at parliament you could see there was already a reduced number
of members of the government coming in, and then when the van carrying the opposition
side (arrived), we saw there were five members of the government were already with them.

"They basically walked into the parliament and sat on the opposition side of the debating

Honimae said jubilation replaced tension on Honiara's streets once news of Rini's resignation
filtered out.

"Cars are putting their horns on and people are shouting on the streets because of
the fact that people believe they have got what they were asking since Mr Rini had been
voted in last week," he said.

AAP dep/so/tnf/nf


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Amesa Spentas

Amesa Spentas The Amesa Spentas are the beneficent immortals or mortal saints (they also take human form by way of the qualities they represent) who, with Ahura Mazda, the Wise Lord (see Ahura Mazda), or within the prophet Zarathustra (Zoroaster) or other humans who adhere to divine truth (asha), form a spiritual pantheon of sorts in Zoroastrianism (see Asha, see Zoroastrian entries). These are the Yazata or “Venerables,” gods created by God (Ahura Mazda). However analyzed, they are crucial to Zoroastrian thought. Specifically, they are Vohu Manah (“Good Thought”), Asha Vahishta (“Best Truth”), Khshathra (“Desirable Dominion”), Armaïti (“Beneficent Devotion”), Haurvatat (“Wholeness”), and Ameretat (“Immortality”). Sometimes Ahura Mazda himself is seen as the first of seven Amesa Spentas. Other Iranian deities, which have equivalents in India, are Hoama, Anahita, Mithra, Vāyu, and Verethraghna, all representing moral values or natural phenomena (see the individual deity entries).

DuPage to probe claims of public workers' misdeeds

WHEATON - In the midst of the DuPage County Board meeting Tuesday, a former county Public Works employee blew the whistle on alleged misdeeds by department employees - including one who allegedly drove a county vehicle under the influence - prompting an investigation by the state's attorney's office.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, Glendale Heights resident Tom Johnson addressed the board, explaining he had worked for Public Works for 12 years. He said he was dismissed because he raised his voice at an employee, something he was told broke policy.

"While that may be so, I have examples of others breaking policy and no one was even disciplined," Johnson told the board. "The Public Works Department is full of employees that don't perform their jobs as they should, (and) are involved in theft and cover-ups, all with their supervisors' knowledge and apparent blessing. Their jobs are protected because of who they know."

Johnson said he reported several incidents many times to his supervisors - Jim Fuscilla and Kevin Buoy - who promised to investigate but did nothing. Johnson said he brought the information to the board in hopes of change. His most serious allegation involves the use of a county vehicle by an employee who was said to be under the influence of alcohol.

"In October 2005, one employee, while on call was using his county vehicle after attending a football game. He was drunk (and) hit a fire hydrant, totaling the truck. Rather than call the police, he covered it up," Johnson said.

Johnson listed other allegations, including employees who:

� steal gasoline to fill up personal vehicles.

� add overtime not actually worked to time tickets.

� use county vehicles and tools for personal use; sometimes tools are never returned.

� use county-provided Internet access to play computer games and view pornography.

� play whiffle ball, darts and other games rather than finish the day actually working.

Bennington said he was caught off-guard by Johnson's claims, saying it was the first he heard of them.

"If he had these allegations, I would've liked to know about them before today," Bennington said.

Bennington said it is important to verify facts and if there is a problem, to correct it. He also defended county employees.

"I have a great deal of faith and trust in the honesty and integrity of our employees and I would be surprised if they were true," Bennington said.

Contact Kathy Cichon at (630) 416-5114 or

Sunday, February 26, 2012

TMC and Crossfire Media's SIP Tutorial to Focus on 'Bringing SIP to the Web'.

TMC and Crossfire Media announced that the SIP Tutorial will return to ITEXPO on September 15, in the Austin Convention Center.

According to a release, the full day SIP Tutorial focuses on SIP technology - from SIP messaging through server types, security, firewall and NAT operation, SIP trunking, troubleshooting and SIP in Unified Communications.

"Web based services, cloud computing and peer-to-peer present a challenge to mature SIP based VoIP technology, making it imperative to be familiar with all the current capabilities of SIP as well as the recent enhancements," said Crossfire Media's Carl Ford. "The SIP Tutorial helps attendees learn everything they need to know in a single day."

Topics covered in the SIP Tutorial include:

-Standards in Telecom and Internet

-Core SIP Standards

-SIP Services

-SIP Security Overview

-Real Time Communications on the Web

-P2P and SIP

These sessions are hosted by Dr. Henry Sinnreich and Dr. Alan Johnston.

Dr. Henry Sinnreich, considered by many to be the Godfather of SIP, developed the first commercial SIP service used by a major carrier. He has authored several books on SIP, and is an active contributor to IETF SIP standards work.

Alan Johnston is Adjunct Professor at Washington University in St. Louis, and Director of the SIP Forum. He is a co-author of the core SIP specification, and other standards. He holds several patents, and is the author of four books on SIP and VoIP security.

The SIP Tutorial is sponsored by the SIP Forum, which is an IP communications industry association that engages in numerous activities that advance and promote SIP technology, such as the development of industry recommendations, the SIPit interoperability and testing events, special interoperability workshops, and general promotion of SIP in the industry.

Registration for the SIP Tutorial remains open. All SIP Tutorial attendees in Austin will have full access to the ITEXPO Exhibition Floor, featuring hundreds of IP Communications and Broadband Internet companies, as well as all 4GWE and ITEXPO networking events.

Crossfire Media is an integrated marketing company with a core focus on future trends in technology.

Technology Marketing Corp. (TMC) is a global, integrated media company that helps clients build communities in print, in person, and online.

((Comments on this story may be sent to

Digital democracy? Study finds elite viewpoints dominate online content.

Anyone with Internet access can generate online content and influence public opinion, according to popular belief. But a new study from the University of California, Berkeley, suggests that the social Web is becoming more of a playground for the affluent than a digital democracy.

Despite the proliferation of social media - with Twitter and Facebook touted as playing pivotal roles in such pro-democracy movements as the Arab Spring - the bulk of today's blogs, websites and video-sharing sites represent the perspectives of college-educated, Web 2.0-savvy users, the study says.

"Having Internet access is not enough. Even among people online, those who are digital producers are much more likely to have higher incomes and educational levels," said Jen Schradie, a doctoral candidate in sociology at UC Berkeley and author of the study published in the May online issue of Poetics, a Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts.

Schradie, a researcher at the campus's Berkeley Center for New Media, analyzed data from more than 41,000 American adults surveyed between 2000 and 2008 in the Pew Internet and American Life Project. She found that college graduates are 1.5 times more likely to be bloggers than are high school graduates; twice as likely to post photos and videos and three times more likely to post an online rating or comment.

Overall, the study found, less than 10 percent of the U.S. population is participating in most online production activities, and having a college degree is a greater predictor of who will generate publicly available online content than being young and white.

The results suggest that the digital divide for social media users is wider between the haves and have-nots than it is between young and old, and underscore growing concerns that the poor and working classes lack the resources to participate fully in civic life, much of which is now online. That chasm is unlikely to break down until everyone has a host of digital production tools at both home and work, Schradie said.

"Conventional wisdom tells us that the Internet is leveling the playing field and broadening the diversity of voices being heard," Schradie said. "But my findings show the Internet is actually reinforcing the socio-economic divisions that already exist, and may even heighten them, which has all sorts of implications as more of civic and economic life moves online."

Since the early 1990s, the Internet has been billed as the greatest agent of change since the Industrial Revolution. With the 2004 launch of Facebook and the 2008 creation of the microblogging site Twitter, user-generated content has exploded with an estimated 2 billion social media users worldwide.

Previous data gleaned from the annual Pew Internet and American Life Project have shown that Americans in higher-income brackets are more likely to have broadband access and mobile devices and thus use the Internet more often.

However, Schradie's latest study breaks new ground in that it tracks the relationship between socio-economic status and 10 online activities most likely to influence the public, opinion shapers and policy makers. Among those uses are such social networking activities as Facebook; website building and design; blogging; photo-and video-sharing, such as on YouTube; chat room and newsgroup participation; and the posting of comments and ratings.

In 17 surveys, she tracked the demographics of users, including education level, income, gender, race and ethnicity. Despite users' racial, ethnic and gender differences, all 10 online activities showed a socio-economic class divide.

Many observers of social media assume that participation rates will increase as younger generations, known as "digital natives," embrace new technologies and modes of communication. But by tracking 10 different activities over time, the study shows strong patterns of inequality that are not likely to disappear when the next social media tool appears, Schradie said.

"The working class is underrepresented on the Internet," the study concludes. "Without their voices, their issues are ignored."

Keywords: Broadband, Democracy, Electronics, Government, Politics, University of California - Berkeley.

This article was prepared by NewsRx Health & Science editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2011, NewsRx Health & Science via

Sify Technologies Wins Two Awards for "Best Data Center" and "Innovations in Enterprise Applications" at CMAI 5th National Telecom Awards 2011.

Sify Technologies Limited (NASDAQ Global Markets: SIFY), a

leader in Enterprise and Consumer Internet Services in India with global delivery capabilities, today received two awards for the 'Best Data Center'

and 'Innovations in Enterprise Applications' at the CMAI 5th National Telecom Awards 2011 function in New Delhi, for its best practices in building state-of-the-art Data Centers and innovations in Enterprise Application Services.

National Telecom Awards 2011 is presented by CMAI Association of India, an apex non-profit trade promotion organization based in India with MOU partners and representatives spread across globe. CMAI National Telecom Awards, have been held annually, for the last 5 years, to identify, acknowledge, and recognize outstanding contributions to the field of Communications and ICT, for building a robust National Telecom Network.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Raju Vegesna, CEO and Managing Director, Sify Technologies, said, "We are greatly honoured to receive these awards from CMAI. These accolades could not have been better timed. Over the last five years, we have been continuously investing to build our capabilities in Managed Services. We have just completed a decade of leadership in the Indian Data Center market; we are currently building running 5 State Data Centers. Sify is now ready to take these offerings to the global market. As we prepare to take this next big step, these awards boost our confidence and validate our strategy. I would like to dedicate this award to the entire Sify Team and our invaluable customers."


- iTest - Online registration, learning and test administration system

- Beacon - Versatile network management software

- Forum - Managing forward supply chain

- Document Management System - Secure management of digital content

The awards were presented by the Chief Guest of the evening, Shri Sachin Pilot, Minister of State for Communication & IT and Shri Jyotiraditya Madhavrao Scindia, Hon'ble Minister of State, Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

Sify launched India's first Level 3 data center at Vashi, Mumbai, in September 2000. Since then the company has continually pioneered the standards, facilities and services in the data center space in the country. Over the last 10 years, Sify has invested in centers in Chennai and Bangalore with increasing levels of sophistication and capability. In August 2008, Sify launched its fourth state-of-the-art data center at Airoli near Mumbai. Sify received the award for the 'Best Telecom Data Center' in 2009 at INFOCOM CMAI National Telecom Awards 2009 for its Airoli data center. Sify's total investment in data centers today is nearly $100 million. Sify is also developing cutting-edge 'Green' initiatives for its data centers.

Keywords: India, Sify Technologies Limited, Software.

This article was prepared by Telecommunications Weekly editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2011, Telecommunications Weekly via

How Japan's ad industry is faring in wake of quake; Spending expected to drop 5.1%, but nearly three quarters of Japanese optimistic for recovery.


Coping daily with deep electricity cuts and an uneven economy where sales in some product categories are way down while others sell out. Meetings are sometimes disrupted as everyone's iPhone goes off at once, sounding a 10-second warning of an impending quake thanks to a popular app called "Shaking Coming" downloaded to more than 1.5 million cellphones. And ad spending, already falling for three consecutive years, is tumbling.

This is the new normal emerging in Japan after the March 11 earthquake.

Faced with electricity cuts of up to 25% through at least the end of September, Tokyo's famous digital billboards have been dimmed or switched off and Tokyo Disneyland can't keep all its roller coasters operating. No one knows how urban office workers will cope with scarce air conditioning during the steamy summer, given the high cultural value placed on face time and the lack of a work-from-home mentality despite high-speed internet connections and state-of-the-art smartphones.

"There are concerns that the impact of the Great East Japan earthquake and subsequent power shortages will cause a downturn in corporate activities and consumer confidence," said Dentsu, Japan's biggest agency group, in a statement last week. Its net sales fell 7.4% in March and 6.4% in April. "Against the backdrop of this economic outlook, the Japan Center for Economic Research forecasts advertising expenditures in Japan to decrease 5.1% year-on-year during the fiscal year ending March 31, 2012."

Right now 74% of Japanese people are confident about Japan's capability for fukkatsu, or recovery, down slightly from 80% just after the disaster as concerns about the economy have sunk in, according to two rounds of research in March and April by McCann Worldgroup in Japan.

"Advertising and marketing have not returned entirely to the way it was before the earthquake and tsunami, but day-by-day we are moving back toward something more normal," said Ryo Matsuzaki, an account manager at independent ADEX Nihon Keizai Advertising/ICOM. "Although a number of companies are still in a wait-and-see mode in regard to their budgets and spending, overall spending is recovering."

He said that by April, 85% of his agency's clients were back on TV.

Consumers may find the return of advertising a relief, since commercials were pulled after the disaster and broadcasters replaced them with public-service ads that viewers quickly tired of.

"They only had about three commercials [and] the government told Dentsu to make a bunch of commercials fast," said Dave McCaughan, regional director of strategic planning at McCann World Group Asia Pacific. "[Viewers' reaction was] we don't want to see one of these [Ad Council] productions ever again, we want to see ads."

Right after the disaster, advertisers scrambled to make sure their spots were officially canceled in writing. Otherwise the time slots had to be paid for even if the ad didn't run.

Now ads are back, but they are carefully vetted for appropriateness. When a new moisturizer was launched, the campaign didn't include one of the ads that showed a woman floating in water, which was judged not to be a good image in a country recovering from a tsunami.

"There has been a change recently in the tone of creative in advertising," Mr. Matsuzaki said. "Most of the references to disaster are gone, and instead there are more cheerful and supportive messages." He cited a Suntory campaign that cast celebrities singing a song that first cheered the nation decades ago as Japan rebuilt after World War II.

Retail sales in Japan fell 8.5% in March, compared to the previous year, and department store sales plunged by 15.4%, Mr. Matsuzaki said. Convenience stores and supermarkets saw sales rise as demand soared for nonperishable food, mineral water, and other emergency supplies, and consumers hoarded their purchases, he said.

"Some 'escape' activities are playing an important role in the recovery to help people forget the sadness in their hearts," he added. "Tokyo Disneyland re-opened to big crowds."

Copyright 2011 Crain Communications Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Consumers shrug off hackers' breaches.(Front)

By Jordan Robertson

The Associated Press


Week after week, thieves break into corporate computer systems to steal customer lists, email addresses and credit card numbers. Large data breaches get overshadowed by even larger ones.

Yet people are turning over personal information to online retailers, social networks and other services in growing numbers. The point at which people lose trust in the websites they deal with appears further away than ever before, if it exists at all, as shopping, socializing and gaming online becomes deeply embedded in modern life.

People have come to accept that sharing information is the price of a meaningful, connected life online - even if they don't like it.

"We are clearly schizophrenic about this technology," said Jim Dempsey, an expert on Internet privacy at the Center for Democracy & Technology. "We love it, we use it, we expect it to work, and we've woven it into our daily lives, professionally, socially and personally. But we really don't trust it, and we do get upset when our data is lost or stolen."

Companies collecting the personal details have little incentive to offer the best privacy protections. So far, people haven't demanded that companies do better by walking away from their gadgets, online retailers or social networks.

"I know I take the risk," Lance Locurto, 44, said. "It's more convenient."

The South Florida banker said he buys almost everything online, despite the fact that hackers got into both his iTunes and Amazon accounts in the past few months.

Jim Pachetti, 47, a laid-off carpenter looking at an iPhone at an Apple store outside Buffalo, N.Y., said he's resigned to the fact that breaches happen.

"I've accepted the fact that all my information is out there and someone has it, and that's just the way it is," he said.

James McCartney, an identity theft expert, said his smartphone has become an integral part of his life and business, despite the security concerns.

"The velocity of business precludes me from going without it," he said. "It's the rules of the game. It's not something I can change."

It may take government regulation to force companies to do better.

The Federal Trade Commission is urging Web browser makers to build "Do Not Track" tools to let consumers stop advertisers from studying their online activity in order to target pitches. The Commerce Department has called on Congress to adopt ground rules for companies that collect consumer data online for marketing. Several lawmakers have introduced privacy bills.

"For many companies, it's easier and cheaper to deal with the repercussions of a data breach that's already occurred, rather than taking steps to prevent it," said Ioana Rusu, regulatory counsel for Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports. "Companies need to be held accountable so they protect your data up front."

Information that distinguishes one faceless Internet surfer from another is so valuable that companies have been hurt when they limit what they collect.

Yahoo Inc., for example, will soon keep logs on people's searches for 18 months, the same amount of time as Google Inc. That's a reversal of its vow in late 2008 to strip out personally identifiable details after 90 days. In making an industry-leading privacy pledge, Yahoo said it became less competitive in offering personalized services enabled by long-term tracking.

Companies also face lawsuits and penalties by promising more than they can deliver. If companies are vague, their biggest risk is bad publicity when a hacking attack or a technical error exposes customers' information.

"The lack of meaningful liability for breaches reduces the incentive for making sure that they don't happen," said Susan Grant, director of consumer protection for the Consumer Federation of America.

Businesses only have to be as good as their competitors. They know customers have nowhere else to go as long as everyone sets the bar low.

"Choice becomes meaningless in this context," said Ashkan Soltani, a security researcher.

The number of records exposed in data breaches is staggering - more than half a billion in the past six years, according to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.

At the same time, people are sharing more online. More than half a billion people are on Facebook, and billions of people search Google and Yahoo each month and accept tracking data files known as cookies. The Pew Internet & American Life Project found that 61 percent of adult Internet users in the United States have used social networks, up from less than a third in 2008.

When they aren't sharing on social networks, they are leaving their marks with online gaming services, shopping sites and retail loyalty programs.

The dependence on technology explains why the reputations of technology companies are remarkably resilient, even after embarrassing breaches.

For example, hackers last year uncovered a security hole on AT&T Inc.'s website and exposed the email addresses of more than 100,000 iPad owners who had signed up for AT&T's wireless Internet service. At that point, Apple had sold more than 2 million iPads. Despite the breach, the company sold some 17 million more iPads since then.

Smartphones have added a new dimension to the debate about online privacy because they also record their owners' locations.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs emerged Thursday from medical leave to try to quash a controversy over secret recordings of location information by iPhones. Apple denied directly tracking people but said it is building a database of known Wi-Fi hot spots and cell towers to improve location-based services. Google Inc.'s Android phones do something similar.

To quiet privacy critics, Apple is changing the iPhone's software to keep data for a week instead of indefinitely. Google says its phones store data for only a short time.

A few weeks ago, a little-known company behind the email campaigns of Chase, Best Buy, Hilton, Walgreens and other big brands revealed that potentially millions of names and email addresses of consumers were stolen. Epsilon sends more than 40 billion emails a year on behalf of those brands for services such as customer loyalty programs.

Other big attacks included some 130 million card numbers stolen from payment processor Heartland Payment Systems in 2008 and as many as 100 million accounts lifted in a break-in at TJX Cos. in 2005 and 2006. Many smaller ones go unpublicized.

Consumers are at a disadvantage because companies often leave their privacy policies intentionally vague, yet lengthy legalese.

In any case, few people bother to read them at all. Carnegie Mellon University researchers found it would take the average person 40 minutes per day to read through all the privacy policies that person encounters online.

"Sadly, the consumer can do absolutely nothing to protect themselves," said Bruce Schneier, a prominent security blogger and chief security technology officer at the British telecommunications operator BT. "When you give your data to someone else, you are forced to trust them."

If you say no, he said, "that'll mean living in a cave in the woods."


Shizuo Kambayashi | Associated Press file photo

Kazuo Hirai, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, discusses the PlayStation Portable "NGP" in January. People are revealing more personal information even as privacy concerns mount.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Starbucks Announces Q2 Fiscal Year 2011 Results Conference Call.

SEATTLE -- Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ: SBUX) plans to release its second quarter fiscal year 2011 financial results after the market close on Wednesday, April 27, 2011, with a conference call and webcast to follow at 2:00 p.m. PT. The conference call will be broadcast live over the Internet and can be accessed at A replay of the webcast will be available on the company's website until Friday, May 27, 2011.

About Starbucks

Since 1971, Starbucks Coffee Company has been committed to ethically sourcing and roasting the highest quality arabica coffee in the world. Today, with stores around the globe, the company is the premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in the world. Through our unwavering commitment to excellence and our guiding principles, we bring the unique Starbucks Experience to life for every customer through every cup. To share in the experience, please visit us in our stores or online at

Low-Lifes.(EMS Reruns)


By Thom Dick

Is there more to your work than you think?

You're stationed in a downtown area where the temperature rarely drops below 45[deg]F and rainfall averages nine inches a year. As a result, homeless people flock there in droves. It's a migration that has evolved in the past year as a feature of widespread economic recession. But some of those folks underestimate your nighttime temperatures, and now you're finding them frozen to death in cardboard boxes. You feel sorry for them and try to be nice to them, but secretly you find them repulsive. You have a couple of kids, and the last thing you want to do is come home with scabies or some other consequence of street life.

In fact, you don't like working downtown, period. Your calls seem to involve nothing but low-lifes--the homeless, violent criminals and drunks. Somewhere, there must be some sick people who are...well, normal. You feel yourself getting cynical, despite the fact that you're a new medic. Unfortunately, without seniority, you're stuck downtown. It's a rite of passage in your system.

Now, in the light of a street lamp and a million flashing lights, you're standing over a gang-banger bleeding from several gunshot wounds, courtesy of police who caught him and his friends beating the hell out of a couple they dragged into an alley. The victims are terrified. He's clearly not. Instead, he's spitting at you, threatening to kick your bootie and speculating loudly about your ancestry.

Q. I feel as though I need to be on guard from the time I leave home until the moment I walk back in the door. This is just not what I expected. Aren't there any systems that are a little less stressful?

A. Many urban systems have grown past the practice of automatically assigning their newest medics downtown. If yours hasn't, make yourself heard--or find a smarter system. But the habit of putting yourself on "yellow alert" when you leave home is actually a good one, and a lot of smart EMTs (and cops) use it. Combine it with a silent expression of love for those you leave behind and a promise to come home safe to them. Then, remember to "turn it off" when you return. It will keep you safe not only in busy systems, but also in nicer ones. (Remember, bad things happen in nice neighborhoods every day.)

Q. What about that cynicism part? I really do feel myself changing, and I worry about it a lot.

A. Cynicism is not inevitable, and it doesn't happen overnight. It evolves from a series of choices we allow ourselves to make. It's easier to become cynical in a system where you're surrounded by cynical people, but even working in a place like that is a choice. We've all read horror stories of EMSers who have yielded to the darkness around them. Their stories are widely circulated, thanks to the news media and the Internet. Many more generate no stories at all, as they quietly spend their lives serving others the best they can.

Q. I'd like to meet just one person like that. I don't enjoy feeling this way about myself. But I have payments to make and a family to feed. Like it or not, I really need this job. Sometimes it seems impossible to balance my work with my personal life. How do I do that?

A. EMS is a lot bigger than your job, and your life is a lot bigger than EMS. Your system is not the world. Even though it may be really inconvenient to move somewhere else, you can find a job that won't be so hard to balance against your personal needs. On the other hand, maybe you can take this job to the next level.

Whatever you decide, try hard to avoid profiling people--any people. It's almost always a bad mistake, especially for a caregiver. Nothing in our training makes us judges. As for today's homeless, you pretty much have to presume they're anything but low-lifes. Ask them how they got where they are, and they'll tell you: It's very easy to end up on the street today. It's damn-near impossible to come back.

Try this: Search the Web for Dorothea Lange. She was a famous photographer during the Great Depression who was fascinated by the faces of the poor. She lugged a big, single-shot camera called a Graflex Speed Graphic into the streets with her. Lange's work was amazing, but all she really did was document other people's misery.

You can learn to do a whole lot more.

Thom Dick has been involved in EMS for 39 years, 23 of them as a full-time EMT and paramedic in San Diego County. He is the quality care coordinator for Platte Valley Ambulance Service, a community-owned, hospital-based 9-1-1 provider in Brighton, CO. Thom is also a member of EMS Magazine's editorial advisory board. Reach him at

Astaro Supports Obama Plan for 21st Century Schools and Libraries.

Wilmington, MA, Mar 05, 2009 ( via COMTEX) -- In response to President Obama's promise to modernize schools and provide Internet to all children, Astaro (, a leading vendor of Internet security appliances, announced the "Surf Safe" promotion: all K-12 schools and libraries will receive an unlimited Astaro Security Gateway software license for free with the purchase of either a 3- or 5-year web or mail security subscription and maintenance agreement. Additionally, all schools and libraries will receive free Astaro Command Center software, which allows for central and remote management of all Security Gateways school- and district-wide.

In a nation-wide address this past December, then President Elect Obama promised to modernize and upgrade schools, providing computers and Internet access for every student. Obama stated, "Here, in the country that invented the Internet, every child should have a chance to get online. And they'll get that chance when I'm president because that's how we'll strengthen America's competitiveness in the world."

While President Obama wishes to see Internet access for every child, Astaro can make sure it is delivered safely and securely. The web gives students access to unlimited information, and content filtering and anti-spam are essential elements of a successful Internet experience. Additionally, many web-based applications, such as Instant Messaging and Peer-to-Peer programs, must be blocked or highly managed to ensure the best and most educationally productive access to Internet resources. Email is also a sensitive area for educational organizations, because privacy and confidentiality are critical, especially when student information is sent over the Internet.

Astaro Security Gateway's Web Filtering provides integrated URL filtering, malware detection, IM and P2P application control, and bandwidth optimization to completely secure and control web access. Additionally, the software provides perimeter security services, such as a firewall and intrusion protection, and Astaro's Email Filtering is also available to provide anti-virus, spam blocking, protection against phishing, and free email encryption.

Astaro Command Center enables the administration and real-time monitoring of multiple Astaro Security Gateway appliances deployed school- or district-wide, which means administrators can achieve the highest standards of vigilance and protection of their schools' security at all times and from all locations. Additionally, teachers that wish to protect their home networks with Astaro can download the Astaro Security Gateway software for free ( The school network administrator can then manage it along with the rest of the Security Gateways from the Astaro Command Center.

Through the "Surf Safe" promotion, all K-12 schools and libraries are eligible to receive free Astaro Security Gateway software and an unlimited base license with the purchase of a 3- or 5-year web security or mail security subscription, as well as a maintenance subscription. Additionally, each educational organization will receive free Astaro Command Center software.

"We are excited to be part of this monumental push to modernize the country's schools and provide children with the technology they need for a proper education," explains Jan Hichert, Astaro CEO. "President Obama's plan is a tremendous opportunity for American students, and we want to make sure that schools have the right resources in place to ensure smooth integration of new technology in the classroom."

This is offer is available to customers in North America through June 20, 2009. For more information or to take advantage of the "Surf Safe" promotion, visit

About Astaro Astaro offers the most complete and easy to use Internet security appliances available. Combining best of breed applications, the proven quality of Linux and enterprise level performance, Astaro's award-winning products provide the latest protection with the best total cost of ownership. Software, hardware and virtual appliance offerings provide users the flexibility to meet a wide variety of deployment scenarios. Distributed by a growing worldwide network of more than 3,000 resellers, Astaro products protect over 100,000 networks for 47,000 customers across 60 countries. Astaro, headquartered in Wilmington, Massachusetts, USA and Karlsruhe, Germany, offers free downloads of its products at

Press Contact Nicole Eckert Astaro Corporation +1 (978) 974-2645

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PRWEB.COM Newswire

'My Damn Channel' Wins Webby Awards.

ENTERTAINMENT CLOSE-UP-8 May 2008-'My Damn Channel' Wins Webby Awards(C)2008 - CloseUpMedia -

The 12th Annual Webby Awards named My Damn Channel's "Wainy Days" Best Comedy Series of 2008.

My Damn Channel's "You Suck at Photoshop" grabbed three awards: People's Voice Winner for Best Comedy Series; Best How-To Series; and People's Voice Winner for Best How-To.

In just over nine months, My Damn Channel ( has produced over 200 videos and captured over 22 million views for some of the best original branded content on the web. Fifteen major advertisers including Lincoln, Toyota, Universal Pictures, and Fox Searchlight have responded with revenues to help build this new entertainment studio made by the pros and for the pros.

In addition to four Webby Awards for My Damn Channel original programming, three Official Honorees were named: Viral Video for Harry Shearer's "Found Objects," featuring Katie Couric; Comedy/Individual Episode for "Wainy Days" / "The Future;" and My Damn Channel was named Official Honoree for Humor Website.

"The Webby Awards honors the very best of the Internet," said David-Michel Davies, executive director of The Webby Awards. "My Damn Channel's wins are a testament to the skill, ingenuity, and vision of its creators."

Rob Barnett, My Damn Channel founder & CEO said, "Big thanks to the Webby Awards, the judges, and the fans for inspiring all of us to sleep less and entertain you more. We're way past your five word limit on acceptance speeches but we're humbled and thrilled."

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Friday, February 24, 2012

STS adds multinational functionality to award-winning smart card solution; Latest version of world's leading EMV-Level 2 software SmartNS with Emvelink; Emvelink now supports multiple-language selection at the Point of Sale.

M2 PRESSWIRE-7 November 2006-STS: STS adds multinational functionality to award-winning smart card solution; Latest version of world's leading EMV-Level 2 software SmartNS with Emvelink; Emvelink now supports multiple-language selection at the Point of Sale(C)1994-2006 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD


London - Smart Technology Solutions Limited (STS), an innovator in providing smart card solutions, today announced important new enhancements to its award-winning EMV Level 2 kernel, Emvelink, a plug-in for the STS SmartNS framework. These include multiple-language support, PIN functionality for online purchases, and compliance with the latest industry standards.

Crucially, the enhancements provide STS' Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) vendor customers with a consistent interface that supports multiple markets and PIN pad hardware, whilst meeting the latest requirements from EMVCo, the global standards body for smart-card based debit and credit cards.

Cameron Olsen, VP, business development for STS, commented: "The improvements to Emvelink are particularly important given upcoming deadlines for the Single European Payments Area (SEPA), which will change the structure of all transactions in Europe. EFT vendors will now have the technical flexibility to take advantage of the SEPA regulatory regime and offer their multinational customers products and services across different geographies."

STS has also added support for on-line PIN functionality as currently required by countries including Spain and Portugal.

The ability to select language on the PIN pad, or allow the card to dictate the language in use is another key enhancement for dual language markets such as Canada (French and English) and Estonia (Estonian and Russian).

Cameron Olsen added: "This latest release of SmartNS with Emvelink will give our EFT vendors an extra edge over their competitors, and allow them to offer their multi-national customers the functionality they need, as new markets move to EMVco standards."


About Smart Technology Solutions (

Smart Technology Solutions Limited (STS) is a market leading software company that delivers innovative smart card solutions through industry partnerships. STS has built over 20 years' experience into its award-winning products and continues to pioneer new advances in smart card acceptance. STS is the only company that specialises in enabling the use of smart cards at any point of interaction such as retail stores, unattended devices or over the Internet. STS' vision is to drive the ubiquitous use of smart cards by working with key partners to develop the full potential of the smart card infrastructure.

CONTACT: Joanne ShepherdTel: +44 (0)20 7067 0603e-mail: jshepherd@golinharris.comSelina AshdownTel: +44 (0)20 7067 0619e-mail:

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

HS Admin launch web tool to aid SMPI.(new products)(Brief Article)

HS ADMINISTRATIVE Services launched an internet-based pensions tool that allows employees to access information about their pension savings. The launch coincides with new Statutory Money Purchase Illustration legislation that states all defined contribution schemes must send members the value of their pensions projected up to retirement age.

Employees will be able to view all aspects of their pensions using calculators and modellers to work out their retirement income. It also includes a 'cost of delay' function to highlight what will happen if they delay making contributions.

The tool aims to provide greater access to pension information for employees, while reducing administrative costs to the employer. HS Administrative Services is providing the product in conjunction with Aegon UK Distribution.

* For more information contact Iain Horn HS Admin, on 01928 707901

Bihar to Get A Dedicated Internet Ministry - First Ever In The World.

India, Apr. 1 -- Bihar is on a growth path and has recently been on an early adopter curve - the state earlier announced using 'Android' Phones to monitor road construction from district headquarters and now the state plans to create a new cabinet position for an Internet Minister.

While the exact role of Internet Ministry is not yet known, it is expected that the position will be located in Nalanda district, the erstwhile center of higher learning.

Nalanda University

Nalanda University

In a press conference, a state official suggested that the plans for creating an exclusive ministry is in place and details would be made public after a final approval from the governor of Bihar. He did mention that the ministry's work would mostly revolve around getting Bihar up on the broadband connectivity map of the world.

Sharing an aspirational target of getting 100% boradband connectivity in all villages of Bihar by end this year, he said that, the state cannot depend on central govt.'s plans which keep getting delayed. The Internet ministry will be also looking at strict regulation of ISPs servicing in the state and would have a centralized mechanism to check any service disruption. He suggested that regulations around possible penalties on breaching SLA would also be put in place with a fine upto 3X of subscription amount.

One other important thing mentioned was that the broadband definition would be chnaged for ISPs in Bihar from 256Kbps to 2Mbps.

Hope this movement from Bihar inspires the other states as well. What's your opinion?

Happy Fool's Day!!!

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Southern Car Parts Officially Established as Distributor for Airaid Automotive Intakes.

Marietta, GA (Vocus/PRWEB) March 22, 2011

Southern Car Parts and AIRAID Filter Company have come together to announce their partnership for nationwide and international distribution. As of recently, Southern Car Parts will be offering the full complement of AIRAID automotive intakes and filters to the US and international markets. This particularly includes the 2008+ Dodge Challenger Intake, Chevrolet C6 Corvette Intake and the 2010+ Camaro Intake, as well as being one of the first to carry and stock the all new 2011 Ford Mustang GT 5.0 Airaid Intake. AIRAID has been a steadily selling system for Southern Car Parts and has proven to be a customer favorite in terms of quality of craftsmanship and the achieved competitive performance gains from the systems.

Southern Car Parts began selling AIRAID Intake Systems in January of 2010 for the Corvette C6 and due to the overwhelming popularity of the systems; they pursued full dealership status and decided to offer the complete lineup of Airaid intake systems. Southern Car Parts founder and CEO Jim Vose commented that, "We are extremely excited to offer the Airaid lineup of high quality intake systems. The Airaid intake is easy to install without any permanent modifications to the vehicle and provides an optimum blend of power and performance for a very respectable price. " AIRAID has been in the automotive filter business since 1997, founded when the classic business approach of seeing an opportunity to improve something already established- in this case air filters and intake systems. AIRAID was born when they began crafting intake systems for light trucks and SUV's. After tripling sales their first year, AIRAID decided to improve their approach and starting in 2002 made filters out of a premium cotton gauze element offering superior filtration. After their small beginnings, the company quickly realized that there was a lot of room to grow and expanded from just the light truck and SUV market to include just about every car in the US domestic market. This newfound expansion garnered them recognition throughout the American automotive aftermarket and eventually required an upgrade for their production facilities. They relocated to a large production facility and warehouse in Phoenix, AZ, and have been producing and designing filters and intake systems from this facility for a number of years. Each AIRAID filter is completely washable and reusable with a lifetime guarantee. Each filter body is made from premium hand poured urethane engineered to withstand the stresses of under hood temperatures, and is guaranteed not to crack, shrink or warp. Airaid's most recent creation is the 2011 Mustang GT Airaid intake which is one of the few plug and play 2011 Mustang Intakes that has proven to provide significant power gains(8-10 RWHP) and does not require any tuning.

Starting out in the Corvette Parts business and expanding over the last 6 years to include the 2010+ Camaro, Charger, Challenger, Mustang, Nissan 350/70Z, and GT-R, Southern Car Parts has been making great headway in the United States markets, and has begun acquiring customers from a number of international markets. Southern Car Parts intends to continue to serve the markets that they have been for the last 6 years, but are excited to include new customers and new markets in their expanding line up of products. They quickly established a reputation for friendly service, competitive pricing, and quick turnaround. Working closely with the needs of the Corvette community, they established a great connection with the local scene, becoming a respected name passed around from friends to businesses and internet forums.

# # #

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Twitter tools.

Nepal, March 9 -- Earlier this week Charlie Sheen's twitter account was honoured with one of the rarest accolades, "Guinness World Record for the Fastest Time to reach 1 Million Followers". Later that day, his account set yet another record for attracting 100 million views in shortest time span. Last year, Jennifer Aniston dumped her boyfriend over his twitter habits, and Stephen Fry was criticised all over for leaking pictures of the Harry Potter film set on his twitter account. It seems like every week some celebrity news gets published relating to twitter.

Behind the ubiquitous craze of Facebook is a social-networking site growing at breakneck speed - Twitter, which is much more than just a "poor man's email system" as Google's CEO Eric Schmidt once labeled it (interestingly, there have been firm rumours indicating Google's intent of buying Twitter). Twitter is more of a micro-blogging platform that lets its users to share/send messages in the form of 'tweets'. For those who still commune by email and phone, a "tweet" roughly means an abbreviated thought or observation expressed in 140 characters to a live audience of "followers".

You might be wondering, is Twitter the new Facebook? The answer is a resounding NO. No, not because Twitter is inferior or far from popular, but because both of these are entirely different kinds of services, and one is not necessarily better than the other. And if your head is spinning at the thought of updating yourself with two social networking sites simultaneously, we're featuring some tools which will make it easier to integrate both these lives.


A lot of applications are there even in Facebook to help you post your Facebook status as tweets and vice versa. One such application is Twitter. Just search for it on Facebook and install the application. After you allow it, this application will start posting your tweets to your Facebook profile. Another application of the same variety is the Tweeter app. This application comes with few additional features: it allows you to post new tweets through Facebook and automatically updates your status whenever you tweet and view tweets from your Facebook Network.

But if you are not an avid user and tweet only occasionally, you might want to opt for Selective Tweet instead. This application will only update your Facebook status with tweets that include the #fb hashtag. And unlike other applications where constant updates might flood the newsfeeds of your Facebook friends, this one lets you choose what to update.

Twitter Clients

After the launch of Facebook's Opestream API, we have started to see more of Facebook-friendly twitter clients. Two such clients are Tweetdeck and Seesmic.

Tweetdeck is probably the smartest Facebook-friendly application out there-it not only boasts an ability to monitor multiple social-networking services (Facebook, Google Buzz, Myspace, LinkedIn, Foursquare and Twitter, of course), you can even fight Twitter spams with the built-in spam monitor, follow topics with saved searches and preview shortened links within TweetDeck itself. And thanks to web-based TweetDeck accounts, you can back up and sync your TweetDeck profile across multiple machines (iPhone/iPad/Windows/Mac/Android/Linux)

Seesmic is another Twitter client with a diverse platform base-works on your browsers, PC, Mac, Android, iPhone, Windows phone. Like TweetDeck, it also lets you monitor multiple social networking services from one place. Videos and pictures can be inserted and shared directly from the application.

Facebook Connect, a service from Facebook, lets site developers and website owners immediately log in to their sites using their Facebook accounts. But takes this service to another level by letting you post videos and links from your Twitter account to your Facebook wall. It is designed for

those of us who want to use Twitter as our primary status update tool. Once you connect with Facebook, you can do the obvious and post your tweets as status updates, convert Twitter names in @replies to real names, and track link performance using

Question of the week

I am going abroad for a few weeks and I want to buy a tablet from one of the duty free shops. What should I look for in a tablet?

-Nabin Manandhar

First of all, you must be clear what you want to use it for - if it is for professional purposes, you must look at the specifications. Nowadays, tablets come with at least 256MB or RAM, dual-core with processors of more than 1GHz. Cheaper tablets will have configurations that are lesser, and if the trade-off is okay with you, there are tablets that are very cheap and can perform basic functions. Also, you need to check the responsiveness of their touchscreens because there are some cheap ones that have a lag between touching and execution. If you're someone who is on the go and want 3G internet connectivity at your fingertips, look for tablets with those options - this usually come for a higher price. Furthermore, you must choose an appropriate OS for your needs - perhaps an iOS (iPad) for simple users and Android for advanced users who would like to modify their tablets to their liking. Remember, each OS has different sets of applications, so you might want to consider browsing through the applications available in each platform.

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Egypt's Orascom extends contract with Alfa.

Summary: CAIRO: Egyptian telecoms firm Orascom Telecom said Tuesday it had extended its management contract with Lebanese mobile firm Alfa, in a bid to tap a growing market. Orascom, which has a presence in countries from Pakistan to Canada, said in a statement the contract was extended for one year, starting February 2011. It said the extension would allow

CAIRO: Egyptian telecoms firm Orascom Telecom said Tuesday it had extended its management contract with Lebanese mobile firm Alfa, in a bid to tap a growing market.

Orascom, which has a presence in countries from Pakistan to Canada, said in a statement the contract was extended for one year, starting February 2011.

It said the extension would allow it to continue its development plans for Lebanon's mobile phone services, which include installing third generation (3G) services and expanding Alfa's network coverage.

Alfa, one of two state-owned Lebanese mobile firms, said on June 15 that it expected to double the number of its subscribers after a long-delayed privatization.

Orascom's chairman also said in June that the Lebanese telecommunications sector had to be privatized.

In its current state the network lags far behind others in the region, with high-priced services, limited Internet capacity and slow connections, all of which have discouraged investors from establishing businesses in Lebanon.

The terms of the contract remain unchanged, whereby Orascom Telecom receives $2.5 million per month, plus 8.5 percent of revenues.

Orascom will cover network operational expenses, and the Lebanese government will be responsible for capital expenditure. -- Reuters

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